
Wood Polymer Composites Characteristics

    • Water Resistance and Termite Resistance
    • No crack and easy maintenance
    • Good Dimensional Stability, Slip Resistance (Wet or Dry)
    • Cuts, Resistance to decay
    • Painting Not required (can be paintable and polishable)
    • Outstanding Screw and nail retention
    • UV Resistance and Long Life
    • Shock Resistance & Electrical Insulator
    • Fungal & Rot resistance
    • Thermal insulation
    • Environment Friendly & 100% Recyclable
    • Sound absorbing, outstanding performance in energy-saving etc.

In an age, when science has successfully attempted to increase life-expectancy of man, man ' s own desire to create super materials which can withstand extreme heat or cold and yet can be elastic enough to mould it in various shapes has led to WPC.

Rare trees in tropical rainforests require several decades to reach full maturity. More than 30 years ago, observing the destruction caused by mankind in the Amazon and other rain forests, Wood has been a standard building,Furniture,Decking,Railing & interior material for centuries. However, with the rise of global warming and deforestation, wood-alternatives are increasing in popularity and use. Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to create a product that will decrease the need for wood materials.

Let's face it-wood deteriorates. It cracks, it rots, its splinters, it is prone to mildew and mold the list goes on. As an organic material, it's a breeding ground for bacteria and a hearty meal for termites and other insects. From an environmental standpoint, wood cannot be recycled, and its production leads to deforestation.

These Wood plastic composites extrusion profiles are widely used in Interior, Exterior, Furniture, Building & Construction, etc. These products are widely using in developed countries like Europe , USA , China , Japan ,Australia etc...

The Wood Plastic Composite Extrusion Profiles can be replaced for wood and its has many advantages over Wood.

WPC combines the properties of wood and plastic offering a highly durable and surprisingly malleable material. Builders, interior and exterior decorators and furniture manufacturers are embracing this magic material across India in a big way. Civic authorities are exploring ways of using WPC in parks and other public properties which should withstand the vagaries of both natural forces and human vandalism.

True to its form, WPC is resistant to moisture, rotting, corrosion resistant, aging resistant, Sound absorbing, outstanding performance in energy-saving, acid-resistant, crack resistance and splitting. It is highly durable and requires low maintenance. It is processed like plastic but behaves like wood.

Specialty Wood & Natural Composites (WPC) became a burgeoning, fast-growing, market demand for these hybrids has been on the increase, especially in Interiors, Exterior,Garden ,outdoor products,Agriculture ,Furniture,Building & Construction where these products are replacing , Wood ,metals , Aluminum and other heavy weight materials.